JDA update – our response to coronavirus

Updated on 1 April 2020
This page will be updated as the situation changes.

How JDA is adapting to the pandemic

As always, JDA’s priority is to ensure the optimum health and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and the people we support.

Following the latest directive from the government to avoid all non-essential contact, JDA staff are all working remotely.

Staff and volunteers are following government guidelines to ensure their safety at all times and that of the people they support.

Whilst all our group gatherings have had to be put on hold until further notice, we are working intensively to alleviate the isolation of as many people as we can access from a distance in the following ways:

For Deaf and Deafblind people who communicate using British Sign Language (BSL):

  • Keeping individuals reassured, informed and giving them the necessary practical support to stay as safe, mentally stable and well as possible
  • Shopping and delivering food and doorstep chats to ensure essential provisions and human contact are maintained
  • Liaising with people who are unable to communicate with their GP surgeries, pharmacies and hospitals and making arrangements on their behalf
  • Expanding our befriending service to check in regularly with people self-isolating at home
  • Using Skype to continue providing information, advice, telephone and translation services
  • Live streaming and delivering to people’s doors an ongoing programme of stimulating activities to keep Deaf people stimulated at home and in touch with each other
  • Teaching people how to use technology to keep in touch and stay safe and well
  • Creating virtual communities to help people keep in touch with each other

Telephone 020 8446 0502 / janine@jdeaf.org.uk

For deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people

  • Mobile hearing aid maintenance service - a highly trained staff member is driving to people’s homes, sheltered accommodations, supported living and care homes to carry out basic hearing aid maintenance and provide re-tubing and batteries from a safe distance
  • Sending out hearing aid batteries to Barnet residents with NHS hearing aids, to keep hearing aid users connected to their loved ones and the world as much as possible
  • Creating a befriending service to check in regularly with people self-isolating at home
  • Running online lipreading classes
  • Teaching people how to use technology to stay connected with loved ones and the world
  • Creating virtual communities to help people keep in touch with each other

Telephone 020 8446 0502 / andrew@jdeaf.org.uk

The management and Trustees are reviewing the changing situation on an ongoing basis.

How to contact JDA

Telephone: 020 8446 0502 Monday to Thursday 9.30am – 5.00pm

Email: mail@jdeaf.org.uk

JDA's Together Magazine

Want to know what we have been doing at JDA?

You can read our latest magazine here.